What is Dry Needling all about?


Why does Dry Needling work? 

Dry needling is a skilled therapeutic technique performed by physical therapists using monofilaments needles (small & very thin needles) placed in specific anatomical structures including muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, peripheral nerves, joint spaces, and scar tissue to treat a variety of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Dry needling can help reduce your symptoms and allow for improved mobility and function.

So how does dry needling work? By inserting the needles into specific points determined by your therapist, it triggers your body’s own reparative healing response. The needles will increase blood flow to the area, reduce inflammation by bringing in helper cells, and reduce tone to the muscles by breaking the cycle of hyperactive chemical reactions at the neuromuscular junction level. Dry needling can also reduce pain by triggering the release of your body’s own androgenous opioids when inserted through the skin and reduces adhesions in tissue by promoting tissue remodeling.

Therefore, by decreasing muscle tone, deactivating trigger points, and reducing adhesions this will allow for increased range of motion, decrease pain with movement and improved functional mobility so you can return to the things you want to do. Dry needling in conjunction with a prescribed exercise program is an effective therapeutic treatment.

So, ask your favorite therapist if you are a candidate for dry needling!

Kayla Gildea, PT, DPT, Dry Needling certified